Yuval Shapiro

A Brooklyn—Tel-Aviv-based, Israeli-Romanian filmmaker, Yuval Shapira is releasing two new projects in 2024: The Speed of the Distance Between Us, which had its national premiere at Docaviv International Documentary Film Festival, and Tears Tears Only Tears, distributed by Gargantua Film and pre-sold to WeShort streaming. His short film Gila Who Walks Alone (2022), funded by CNC and The Israeli New Fund for Film and Television, opened at the Krakow Film Festival and was shortlisted for the Israeli Film Academy Awards. His short film Babies (2017) screened and won prizes at a dozen film festivals. Yuval edited films for Sight Unseen Pictures, Moxie Pictures, and Pulse Films, and movies that screened at the Cannes, Tribeca, and Venice film festivals. He is a graduate of Berlinale Talent Sarajevo, Zurich Film Festival Academy, Cine Que Non Lab, and European Short Pitch, and holds graduate degrees in filmmaking and visual anthropology. Yuval is a member of the Brooklyn Filmmakers Collective.

Gila Who Walks Alone
The Speed Of The Distance Between Us
Tears Tears Only Tears